ICERA Consulting Ltd.
Dr Michelle Orme is a freelance outcomes research consultant, specialising in network meta-analysis and critical reviews.
I have fifteen years experience in health outcomes research and specialise in developing bespoke but user-friendly health economic models, data analysis including direct, indirect and mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis, and critical appraisal of cost-effectiveness models and meta-analysis. I have conducted and consulted on Bayesian mixed treatment comparisons using WinBUGS in many areas, including primary open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension, smoking cessation, venous thromboembolism, rheumatoid arthritis and renal cell carcinoma.
I have played a key role in the success of several HTA submissions by constructing a sound and well-supported economic case along with the accompanying economic model, and have ten years industry experience of systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
I have had work published in several peer-reviewed journals.
I can be contacted via LinkedIn or the contact form
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