List of publications, posters and presentations
Mixed treatment comparison of repeated measurements of a continuous endpoint
Dakin H, Welton N, Ades T, Collins S, Orme M, Kelly S. Stat Med. Epub ahead of print 05/07/11
Long-term medical management of primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension
Orme M, Collins S, Loftus J. J Glaucoma. Epub ahead of print 14/06/11
Mixed treatment comparison and meta-regression of the efficacy and safety of prostaglandin analogues
Orme M, Collins S, Dakin H, Kelly S, Loftus J. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2010;26(3):511-28
Prostaglandin analogues for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension
Orme M, Boler A. Pharmacoeconomics. 2006;24(8):743-50
A multi-centre retrospective study of resource utilization and costs associated with glaucoma management in France and Sweden
Orme M, Curry A, Buchholz P, Walt J, Groleau D, Holmstrom S. Value in Health. (2003), 6, (6): 641. ABSTRACT
Cost-effectiveness of the AMOArray multifocal intraocular lens in cataract surgery
Orme ME, Paine AC, Teale CW, Kennedy LM. J Refract Surg., (2002) Mar-Apr; 18(2): 162-8